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Notes from Tanya Pinto (Baal Dan; TEDxSMU 2009 Speaker)

August 16 by sharon

Forward: I recently received the following email from Tanya Pinto, Founder of Baal Dan and 2009 TEDxSMU speaker. Tanya is currently in India and sent these reflections about her experiences.

People are always asking me how far $1 goes in India to help children in need.

In Hyderabad, India, there is a group of about 30 children that live in a “Pipe Village”. I first visited the Pipe Babies in 2008 and was horrified by what I saw. Families living without toilets, electricity, running water and making their homes in dark pipes. I was determined to do something to help these children, but the situation was complex as most were not orphans and the parents did not want to leave the village. Annamama a social worker I connected with had made sure that most of the children were enrolled in the closest school and through her own fundraising locally she was providing vitamins, eggs twice a week and soap. Some of the children were so malnourished that their hair was light and the nails were white and opaque. One child had a hole in her heart and Annamama was able to raise money for a life saving operation.

I worked with Annamama to try to do something sustainable for the children, but again because of the complexity of their circumstances, fear from the parents and other issues, we had to focus on their most critical need. Nutrition. So, every time I go to India, Baal Dan provides small grant amounts for the children for Pediasure and food so that their meager diet can be supplemented. And it is making a difference! Most of the children have gained weight and are doing much better. And should there be greater needs in the future, Baal Dan will be there.

I got an email today that shows what Annamamma was able to buy for the kids with a donation from Baal Dan.

As you will see, our money goes so far in India, which is why the Baal Dan approach of leveraging our dollar and making these small ongoing grants are critical to helping children in need.

15,000 rupees = $319

24 tins of Pediasure
8 tins of Ensure
6 packets of baby food
2 kilos of apples (considered a luxury)
40 bathing soaps
I talcum powder
Hair oil 500gm
I big bottle of Maza (mango drink)
5 big packets of biscuits
1 packet of toffee
A generous packet of different foods like dal, peanuts, poha, washing powder, tooth paste, toiletries etc.

Thank you so much for your support and grateful thanks to Annamama and Kim in Hyderabad for their dedication to these children.

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